Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia UMS

The Vision and Mission of The Study Program


In 2029 the Indonesian Language Education Study Program will become the center of education and development in the field of Indonesian language and literature education that is superior, professional, Islamic, and able to provide direction for change through science and technology for the common good.


Organizing education in the field of Indonesian language and literature education that is superior, professional, Islamic, and able to provide direction for change through science and technology for the common good.

  1. Conducting research in the field of Indonesian language and literature education that is superior, professional, Islamic, and able to provide direction for change through science and technology for the common good.
  2. Organizing community service in the field of Indonesian language and literature education that is superior, professional, Islamic, and able to provide direction for change through science and technology for the common good.
  3. To produce novice educators of Indonesian language and literature, researchers and beginners in the field of Indonesian language and literature education, as well as entrepreneurs in the field of Indonesian language and literature and their learning who are superior, professional, Islamic, and able to provide direction for change through science and technology for the common good.
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